Champion your school

Knowledge is power.

Make your attendance our family priority.

Children’s reading ability and confidence improve when grownups make sure they come to school every day, on-time and ready-to-learn, starting in PreK.

Family Fun:

  • Agree on a wake-up time—to the minute. Make sure there’s time for breakfast and hugs. Then set clocks! 

  • Make a game of picking out clothes and packing backpacks the night before. 

  • Draw a map of the best way to school from our house.

  • Design a family calendar. Doctor appointments only after school or on weekends so we don’t miss school.

  • Make sure we have a backup to our backup plan to get to school.

  • Create a sticker chart and earn a sticker for every day we’re on time. Work together to decide goals and prizes.

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Stay connected with your teachers.

Children’s reading ability and confidence improve when grown-ups encourage learning and get involved in their schooling.

Family Fun:

  • Write a letter to your teachers introducing our family and their new student (you!) to them. 

  • Give a sticker to your teacher and tell them why they earned it. 

  • Send unexpected thank you notes or homemade cards to teachers, librarians, anyone who’s supporting our learning adventures. 

  • Mark every parent-teacher conference on our family calendar so we don’t miss them.

  • Play pretend. You’re the teacher. Can’t wait to learn from you.

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Soak in summers of wonder and learning with you. 

Children’s reading ability and confidence improve when grownups continue to support learning over the summer by making the most of every playful and teachable moment.

Family Fun:

  • Pick up a Summer of Wonder packet at our neighborhood library and get started.

  • On a sunny day, go an Alphabet Scavenger Hunt, and see who can find the most objects for each letter before we’re done.

  • Make paper airplanes, coming up with names, and drawing and writing words on them. Then let’s plan itineraries. Where in the world are our planes headed?

  • Find new spots outside for us to read together on warm and clear days. Ease back into routines in late August.

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Get the help you need when you need it.

Children’s reading ability and confidence improve when grown-ups stay on top of their learning and get them the support they need.

Family Fun:

  • Let’s role play. You’re the teacher, and I’m going to ask you for help.  

  • Create your own BOOKS I LOVE list that we can share with your teacher and librarian. 

  • Make a shared workspace with you where you can do your homework while I read or catch up on my own work.

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